Tell us a little about yourself?
I am a mom of (3), two raised and out of the house and one daughter left at home. We live in a very small town (population 436) in western MA and life is peaceful here. Love being surrounded by nature and beautiful starry nights.

Where does your inspiration come from?
I have always liked to create things in one form or another. It does not take much to get my wheels moving. Sometimes something as simple as a color scheme on an outfit can send me to doodling a sketch in that color palette or sometimes it can send me off to redo an entire room. I am a very visual person so I guess it is easiest to say that the things I see around me are the greatest source of inspiration for me.

Who or what has been most influential in your craft/art?
There are two people who I would say have been the most influential in my creative career. The first was my mother. She was an artist and all around creative person who could not only paint a fabulous picture, she could make her own designs then sew them, needlepoint, restore furniture, garden etc. She was also an avid reader… always wanting to learn, which is one of the greatest gifts I inherited from her. My mom thought outside the box so the things she made were very unusual what we today consider OOAK. Her desire to forge her own style and not be concerned what others thought about it certainly inspired me to be the same.

The other person who had a huge impact on me was the brother of my SIL. He was a designer in NYC and had a wonderful home in Danbury CT which was featured in a Home Beautiful spread. This incredible home was a tri-level modern home set in a gorgeous park like woodland. I was only about 10 when I went to the house for the first time but I fell in love instantly. Having grown up around artists I had already come to know how eccentric and “different” they can be but Jasques was THE king of eccentric. He was all about creating moods. When we walked up to the house and were greeted by twin Great Danes wearing scarves and berets I knew I would like this guy! Walking through the basement floor I entered an incredible English Pub. Brick floors, stone walls, antiques everywhere including surrounding a usable stone cooking hearth complete with cast iron kettle hanging there. Each floor and every room was designed in a different style creating a very worldly ambience. The entire home was antiques or very modern pieces. There was a Russian room complete with a settee that was upholstered in Russian Sable. (Hey this was the 60’s and real fur was cool to use). A massive casual dining room on the 2cnd floor was decorated in a Japanese style with antique low tables, gorgeous goose down pillows in luscious Asian silks, antique Japanese painted case goods and the room was all glass with sliding soji screens. One such wall opened up to the inground pool that had an Asian landscaping and design that was the perfect place to get your Zen on! So much more to say about this home and this person but for times sake let’s just say my eclectic taste and my own venture into interior design in my later years was certainly a direct result of having met and been inspired by Jasques.

What does handmade mean to you?
This can be a sensitive topic lol. I have read posts on forums from people who have very particular views on this who are ready to fight to the death to win the argument. So I will tread lightly here.

For me handmade is when various raw goods are brought together and combined thus creating a final product that is much more than the sum of it’s parts. That sounds safe and I am sticking to it! Seriously though it is a little like what came first the hen or the egg. By this I mean consider assembly art… if someone takes just raw goods, does not alter them in anyway but arranges them in such a way that something beautiful is created with very little “addition” to them, is this not art and handmade? I think it is.

How would you describe your creative process?
It totally depends on what I am making…what medium I am using. For altered art, I have to have a ton of supplies all around me so I can pick and choose. Mosaics are the same way. For painting I have to have a clean area with all my brushes, knives, fabrics lined up and ready to grab. Once everything is there I just have at it. My best work has come from not thinking about what I am doing and just doing what I feel at that moment. When I stop to think about how to proceed I sometimes lose my way and become permanently stuck. I have an entire room of canvases in various stages of completion because of stopping to think about it. Rarely will I go back and try to pick up my chain of thought. I will only do this to pieces that I have spend a ton of time on and are far enough along in the process that I can complete them within a day or two. Normally though it is simple…I gesso over what I started and start from scratch. I have many canvases that are ready to be gessoed!

How do you get out of your creative ruts?
The best way for me to do this is to get outside and doing something physical. Walking, gardening, mowing the lawn…all these things seems to drive the demons away, clear my mind and allow for me to purge the negative thoughts (which are always a bummer when you are trying to be creative) and be tired enough to get a good nights sleep. Tomorrow is another day. I never sit around worrying about it. That accomplishes nothing. At 52 I know that things are cyclical and being in non-creative moods is just part of being human. Perhaps Gods way of saying stop and go enjoy life.

Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
Hehehe….all the time! More so when I was younger but I still do these days. It used to drive my son out of his mind when he was a teen. He had some CD’s I liked and when his friends would come over and they would be hanging playing music I couldn’t control myself and would be out in the kitchen kickin it old school! HA! His friends used to think it was great and think I was a very cool mom. My son was horrified and thought I should be more like June Cleaver I guess :/

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
I have to say it is not so much advice as a concept. My mother was big on personal responsibility. She instilled in me the understanding that I am creator of my own destiny. My life will be good or not so good as a direct result of the choices I make…so take the time to make wise choices. I did not always follow her advise as I was quite impulsive growing up (and can be still :P) but at the end of the day if things did not work out as I had planned I have always been able to say to myself and to others I am responsible for this and am willing to take my licks. I wish this simple concept would be engrained in every child growing up. The world would be so much different if people all accepted responsibility for their actions. Hey we can dream right!

Where can people find your work?
Currently I am selling my work online at Etsy and Yessy. I will soon be selling at Fine Art America as well. For anyone in the western MA area I will accept appointments to view my canvases available.

Visit TwigsAndLace

Window Shopping

in , , by MyHobbyShop, 6:58 AM
Some wonderful items I found browsing through my favorites.




Madden & Lloyd

Southern Wood

Interview with Thedryad @ Etsy

in , , by MyHobbyShop, 8:00 AM

Tell us a little about yourself
My name is Danielle, and I'm from Long Island, NY. I'm a single mother of four (3 cats and 1 rabbit) who enjoys birding, playing guitar, and photography. I'm a vegan who loves animals, music, and being outdoors in any kind of weather.

Where does your inspiration come from?
Much of my inspiration comes from dreams; especially my photography and post-processing. I think many people have experienced that -- waking up with ideas in your head that seem to come from nowhere.

Who or what has been most influential in your craft?
I'm involved in many different crafts, so it's hard to say what has influenced me most; I'm self-taught at much of what I do. I've been crocheting for several years; getting more serious about photography for about 8 years; playing guitar for about the same amount of time. I think the online communities I'm involved in have played a huge role in giving me the motivation to improve and be more creative, for sure.

How would you describe your creative process?
My creative process is far from exciting. An idea comes to me and I try to make it a reality. Sometimes it just becomes a lesson in patience, lol. Many times, I'd scrap an idea after trying to make it work without success. Other times, things just seem to fall into place.

What makes your items “unique”?
My Etsy shop is fairly new. At the present time, I am only selling statement bracelets (and a few necklaces) solely for the purpose of spreading positive messages while donating funds to charity. I think my "vegan" items are unique simply because there aren't many bracelets and such available that state "vegan". I do have other items that state "love", "hope", "peace"... and all are sold for the purpose of charity fund raising. :-)

Tell us more about the charity you donate your proceeds to.
Donations will be made to the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary ( in Willow, NY. Ever since I visited the sanctuary in 2008, I've been making small donations each holiday. The place is a haven for animals who have been rescued from deplorable conditions of abuse and neglect. It's a place of peace and hope, and I encourage everyone to visit them at least once. You won't forget it.

What celebrity would you most like to wear your items?
Oh, I would love to see Ellen DeGeneres wear one of my bracelets!

What's you favorite childhood memory?
One of my favorite childhood memories is climbing a tree right outside our kitchen door, with my favorite stuffed animal in my backpack. When I got as high as I could go, I just sat there watching the birds, feeling the breezes, and hugging my stuffie for the whole afternoon. If that tree was still there, I'd go back and do it again.

Visit Thedryad
Etsy Shop:
Let's get to know each other! Below are a few fun personality questions. Feel free to answer a few or all of them.

1. Do you play any instruments?
No I don't play any instruments. When I was younger I wanted to play the clarinet but never got a chance to. I did own a piano for several years but I never bother to learn. I just banged on the keys and pretended I knew what I was doing.

2. Who was the last person you called?
My kids at home. I don't talk on the phone a lot. I normally just call my house, my husband or my sister. In fact I think last month I only used 69 minutes! I use my cell phone more for texting and internet surfing.

3. Where do you plan on going for your next vacation?
We are saving to go on a cruise. Our kids are in their teens and we think this would be the perfect time for us to go. Its still a couple of years away but I am excited about it.

4. Who's your favorite TV attorney?
I love Alicia Florrick from the CBS show "The Good Wife". There is just something about her demeanor and personality that I really like. Its my new favorite show.

5. Where do you go for advice?
My husband :-) I know it might sound corny but he is truly my best friend. He listens to my mindless rambling and when I need advice he's always there.

Now its your turn...
Tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Taylor Lynn, but you can call me Taylor or even Tay. I’m an overgrown hobbit attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with a closet it my dormitory that leads to Narnia, where I’m queen. "TheForestFaery" is just a pseudonym so the White Witch, RingWraiths and Death Eaters don't find me.

Of course, you muggles would just know me as a fourteen year old homeschooled vegan pursuing my dream of becoming a best-selling novelist. I love reading, writing, history, English and Language Arts, interesting words, blogging and taking photos, and someday (someday soon, I’m sure!) you’ll be able to walk into any bookstore and buy my novels. Until then, you can buy my photography and some handmade items in my Etsy shop, TheForestFaery!

Where does your inspiration come from?

My inspiration comes mostly from nature, and from fantasy. For instance, after watching the new Alice in Wonderland movie, I went outside to lock up our goats and chickens for the night. It had just rained, the air was cool and the sun was setting. When I came inside I got ready for bed, sat down with a notepad and pen and wrote down ideas for photos that had popped into my head out of nowhere while I was outside, still caught up in Wonderland with the soundtrack running through my head. It was rather fun! So if you ever want to give me photo inspiration, make me watch a good fantasy movie and then send me outside.
Who or what has been most influential in your craft?
My camera(s). Or whatever camera(s) are available at the time. Oh, we’ve been through so much together. They never complain when I kneel, squat, stretch, reach or lie on my belly/back in the grass to catch a good shot. They don’t mind getting up close and personal with mushrooms and toads. My dear camera(s), I couldn’t have captured those shots without you!

What does handmade mean to you?

That someone sat down and put something together using their own skill, own imagination and own two hands. (Or own two feet. Whatever works.) The small imperfections don’t matter, because they show that a human made it, not a robot. Handmade means that gifts are better quality and more meaningful, and handmade also means more personal.

When did you know you were an artist?
Can I tell you a secret? Before TheForestFaery, I had an Etsy shop called abenevolentbookworm. I sold bookmarks, and my shop FAILED. Why? Because while I’ve done crafts my whole life, I’m very fickle and don’t have much stamina for them. Knitting, quilting, scrapbooking, collage-making: been there, done that. I was once slightly obsessed with each one; now I do them occasionally, if at all. So even though I sold a few bookmarks, I got bored of making them and closed down abenevolentbookworm.

However, ever since I was a little kid I’ve known I wanted to be a writer. And in 2008 I discovered how fun photography is. So I’m creative, just not in the way many Etsians are – my creativity is expressed in writing and photography rather than handmade items, which is why TheForestFaery is all about photography. To keep it stocked up, all I have to do is relist and occasionally go outside to snap a new picture! No long-term stamina necessary.

How would you describe your creative process?

Step 1: The mood strikes. “I feel like taking pictures!” I think.

Step 2: I turn on the camera and no doubt have to switch the rechargeable batteries. Once that’s done, I’m good to go.

Step 3: I go outside and wander through my yard and my Grampa’s next door. If I see a photo opportunity I stop, drop and roll, or whatever it is that’s necessary to capture said photo.

Step 4: I import photos onto my laptop. Then I eliminate the bad ones, save the good ones, and they proceed to sit around for days or weeks in my computer until I get around to listing them.

Of course, sometimes this entire process is skipped if I walk by a window and see a totally amazing photo opportunity. Then I tear through the house, find the camera, burst outside barefoot or in someone else’s shoes, and proceed to snap ten or twenty photos of the same thing from different angles, provided the opportunity hasn't passed by already. True story.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
If I was in a serious mood, I’d say Anne Frank so that I could see what it was really like for her in the Secret Annex.

But if I was in a random mood, I’d say Kate from the TV show “Lost” so that I could tell Sawyer not to fall in love with ‘me’ because ‘I’ will just end up being a complete jerk and using him.

Or Alice Cullen, because she is simply the most awesome character in the Twilight Saga. I’m starting Team Alice, who’s with me?!

Do you have a strange talent not many know of?

I wish I could say yes, but… no, not really.
That’s not to say I’m normal, though. I’m not really what you’d call “normal”, I don’t really try to be, and I don’t really want to be. Because the way I see it, where’s the fun in being like everyone else?

Visit TheForestFaery
Etsy Shop:

PATTERN: Prayer Squares

in , , , , , by MyHobbyShop, 9:28 PM
About a year ago I crocheted a few prayer squares and donated it to a fellow CreateCrochet team member. She then sold them at a Relay for Life event to raise money. The items that she did not sell were donated to a local hospital.

Prayer Squares - pink

Prayer Squares

This is a fantastic way to use up your scrap yarn. Have fun with combining colors. If you make enough squares you can attach them to make a scrap happy afghan.

The idea behind these squares is that the person making them is praying while working on them. So the person receiving the square can be touched and blessed by your prayers.

Prayer Squares - 1

Small amount of worsted weight yarn
Crochet Hook Size 5 (H) - or whatever size your comfortable with

Abbreviations/ Special Stitches:
Hook = HK
Chain = CH
Stitch = ST
Single Crochet  = SC
Puff Stitch = PS: YO, insert hook in next stitch, yo, pull through and bring yarn up to height of rest of stitches (3 loops on hook), YO, insert hook in SAME stitch, yo, pull through and bring yarn up to height of rest of stitches (5 loops on hook), YO, insert hook once again into the SAME stitch, yo, pull through and bring yarn up to height of rest of stitches (7 loops on hook).

Chain 12
Row 1: sc in second ch from hk and in each ch across. ch 1, turn (11sc)
Row 2: sc in each of next 3 sc, puff st in next sc, sc in each of next 3 sc, ch 1, turn
Row 3: sc across, ch 1, turn
Row 4-9: repeat rows 2 &3
Row 10: *sc in 1st sc, puff st in next sc, sc in next sc*, repeat to end
Row 11: sc across, ch 1, turn
Row 12-14: repeat rows 2 & 3
Row 15: sc in each sc across

Once your square is done you can use a single crochet stitch around to create a neat border.
If you have any questions regarding this pattern please let me know.

If you try this pattern I would love to see how it came out. Feel free to share your pictures with me.

Other Stuff:
I would very much like it if this pattern is used for charity and personal use only.
Please do not sell my pattern in part or whole.
If you post your creations on your blog, facebook, flickr or any other social networking site, please provide a link back to this page so others might be able to find this pattern.

Enjoy :-)

edited 8/13/13

Life Among the Believers

in , , by MyHobbyShop, 8:00 AM
"The Christian needs another Christian who speaks God's Word to him. He needs him again and again when he becomes uncertain and discouraged, for by himself he cannot help himself without belying the truth. He needs his brother man as bearer and proclaimer of the divine word of salvation. He needs his brother solely because of Jesus Christ. The Christ in his own heart is uncertain, his brother's is sure. And that also clarifies the goal of all Christian communities: they meet one another as bringers of the message of salvation."

~Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together

DIY Tutorial - Decorating Frames

in , , , , by MyHobbyShop, 7:10 AM
Guest blog tutorial provided by Armada from ArmadaVolya on Etsy.

My names Armada (or at least that's what I keep on telling people). I worked in many mediums and love experimenting with reusing/recycling. Most of the work I do now is drawing and painting, but every now and again I try to make my life more fun by finding new things to make. I've done pottery (it's actually my greatest passion, though I don't have potters wheel, so, so much for that), stain glass, paper mache, drawing and painting in almost every media out there, shoe-making, and much, much more. Here now, I'll show you how to make a boring frame look very unique and colorful. Frames decorated this way work really well for modern art, especially abstract and surrealism.

You will need:
  1. Flat frame (no ornate carvings or or anything like that, those I usually paint instead). The one I fave here was bought from a dollar store, so it's very simple.
  2. Old unwanted magazine, or anything else that has similar size and quality pages.
  3. Brush
  4. Mod Podge (glossy) or any other similar product.

  1. Fold and cut paper into strips. Size of strips will depend on the frame, I needed ¾ inch strips for mine (1/16 of a page)
  2. Roll strips into tight rolls and make a ton of them. I usually cut strips and roll them while watching TV because it takes a a lot of time.
  3. Apply thick layer of Mod Podge to the frame. I usually do it one side at a time to leave less time for the glue to dry.
  4. Place rolls of paper on the frame next to one another.
  5. After the glue is dry, apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to the all exposed sides of rolls and frame.

Once it's all dry, you can start using it. Mod Podge will give a glossy finish and will protect it if you will need to wipe it with moist cloth, it also acts as glue keeping everything together.


*** If you would like me to publish your tutorial please feel free to email at or convo me on Etsy. ***

Interview with Nellianna @ Etsy

in , , by MyHobbyShop, 6:49 AM

Tell us a little about yourself?
We are Nellianna & Kenneth. We live in The Netherlands with our 2 cats Ayla & June. As an architect and an industrial designer we love to create. We love to make things that work in a predictable way.

Where does your inspiration come from?
We like it very much to create a beautiful structure out a simple piece of paper. In nature almost everything depends on basic geometrical patterns, we use these as a starting point for our designs.

Who or what has been most influential in your craft?
My father (Nellianna) taught me the beauty of folding paper. It is because of his perseveance that I am patient enough to work on a piece.

What does handmade mean to you?
New chances for small businesses who have the possibility to produce products on a small scale. These products tell a story.

How would you describe your creative process?
Through creativity is always a mix of thought and working with your hands. Every lampshade is like a puzzle, when I start I can't stop I have to finish teh puzzle.

How do you get out of your creative ruts?
Go to the beach for a walk. Drink a cup of coffee with some good friends or relaxing with our 2 cats.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?
We don't know how to fold a crane bird :)

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Streets without trees.

Nellianna’s Shop:

Interview with AmyBirnbaum @ Etsy

in , , by MyHobbyShop, 8:00 AM

Tell us a little about yourself?

I was born and raised in North Dakota and am happily married with six children. I am a certified interior designer in the state of Minnesota and worked in the architecture/interior design field for 14 years. I was laid off when the housing/building market came to a grinding halt. I also happened to be pregnant with our sixth child so it didn’t make a lot of sense to pursue another position at the time.

Where does your inspiration come from?

My inspiration originally came from the sheep we raise and my children and the interaction between them, but has branched out to many other areas as well. Now when I look around I am always looking for new scenes or objects that would make good paper cuts! The world is full of inspiration!

Who or what has been most influential in your craft?

Well I have my art teacher from college to thank for introducing me to paper cutting years ago. Recently I have my family and close friends to thank for their encouragement and feedback. Joe Bagely and other members of the Guild of American Papercutters have been inspirational and a wealth of technical information.

What does handmade mean to you?

Something handmade by me means – uniquely designed and very carefully created by my own hands out of the best materials I can find.

When did you know you were an artist?

I have always been a creative person. As a child I loved drawing and sewing. I took that talent and used it for interior design. This took up most of my creative energy so I didn’t do much in the artistic realm beyond this. When I was no longer doing this on a regular basis I needed something else to focus on. My children found my art portfolio from college and stumbled across a paper cut I did in an art class. They were fascinated by it. My husband made a comment that got the ball rolling. . .” Now that is something you don’t see every day! You could sell those.” I gave it a try again and was hooked! Now I have to tell myself to stop some days so I can get other things done. When I reached that point I knew that I was an artist.

How would you describe your creative process?

I am always looking for new ideas everywhere I go. I try to stay focused on one idea at a time, but often have several projects in progress at any given time. I start by looking at pictures I’ve taken or ones given to me by others to use. I print them off in black and white; then I partially trace and modify/sketch to get the pattern that I want to cut. Depending on what paper I am using I will either glue to back (with a repositionable glue) or tape with a weak tape to the paper to be cut. I use an xacto type knife and self-healing mat to cut the image. When done I glue it to a piece of art or illustration board.

How do you get out of your creative ruts?

I find a new subject to make a quick paper cut out of before tackling bigger more time consuming projects if I am not feeling motivated. So far I can only recall one day of really being in a rut. Usually my problem is staying focused on one item – there are so many I want to do!

What made you decide to start selling on etsy?

While researching the market for paper cuts, I came across several paper cut artists who sold their work on etsy. I was impressed with their work and it was obvious that they were able to sell on etsy. I checked out all the information for sellers and decided to give it a try.

What makes your items “unique”?

I create all of my own patterns and have from day one. I like to challenge myself to make the images realistic, detailed and artistic.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

Most people who don’t know me are surprised to hear I am a mother of six children.

Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible and why?

Probably fly – I love seeing things from the bird’s eye view.

Visit AmyBirnbaum: