Showing posts with label diy
Guest blog tutorial provided by Bonnie from Bonnbonn on Etsy.

This is an easy, affordable and beautiful lighting solution that was inspired by Shannon South’s gorgeous upcycled Doily Lamp.

DIY Tutorial - Decorating Frames

in , , , , by MyHobbyShop, 7:10 AM
Guest blog tutorial provided by Armada from ArmadaVolya on Etsy.

My names Armada (or at least that's what I keep on telling people). I worked in many mediums and love experimenting with reusing/recycling. Most of the work I do now is drawing and painting, but every now and again I try to make my life more fun by finding new things to make. I've done pottery (it's actually my greatest passion, though I don't have potters wheel, so, so much for that), stain glass, paper mache, drawing and painting in almost every media out there, shoe-making, and much, much more. Here now, I'll show you how to make a boring frame look very unique and colorful. Frames decorated this way work really well for modern art, especially abstract and surrealism.

You will need:
  1. Flat frame (no ornate carvings or or anything like that, those I usually paint instead). The one I fave here was bought from a dollar store, so it's very simple.
  2. Old unwanted magazine, or anything else that has similar size and quality pages.
  3. Brush
  4. Mod Podge (glossy) or any other similar product.

  1. Fold and cut paper into strips. Size of strips will depend on the frame, I needed ¾ inch strips for mine (1/16 of a page)
  2. Roll strips into tight rolls and make a ton of them. I usually cut strips and roll them while watching TV because it takes a a lot of time.
  3. Apply thick layer of Mod Podge to the frame. I usually do it one side at a time to leave less time for the glue to dry.
  4. Place rolls of paper on the frame next to one another.
  5. After the glue is dry, apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to the all exposed sides of rolls and frame.

Once it's all dry, you can start using it. Mod Podge will give a glossy finish and will protect it if you will need to wipe it with moist cloth, it also acts as glue keeping everything together.


*** If you would like me to publish your tutorial please feel free to email at or convo me on Etsy. ***