Showing posts with label handmade

August Gallery Hop

in , , , , , , , by MyHobbyShop, 2:23 PM
Next weekend I have the opportunity to display some of my items at Amy Clark Studios during the monthly gallery hop.

have been very fortunate to work with the lovely photographers at Amy Clark Studios. I just love working with such talented people and they make my items look so lovely!

Tell us a little about yourself.
The best way to start is to tell you my name. My name is Tammy. I've been happily married for 25 years (still hard to believe). I have two children, Tony 23, and Morgan 21. Those three things are my biggest accomplishments.
I grew up in north central Pennsylvania, with six brothers and sisters. We were all involved in 4-H. My brothers learned to sew and cook. My sisters and I learned to take care of engines and change tires. This is were I fell in love with sewing. When my daughter asked for an American Girl doll, I got my sewing machine out and started making clothes. Now that the doll, and my daughter have packed up and moved on, I sew for my nieces dolls. And with an empty nest, sewing is my way to relax.

Where does your inspiration come from?
My inspiration comes from interviewing my nieces. I love to find out what fabrics they like and to hear what clothing combination they come up with. I usually try to make more trendy clothing, but enjoy the period clothing that can be made for 18 in. dolls.

Who or what has been most influential in your craft?
My parents are most influential. They both enjoyed sewing. I remember my dad making homemade, life size, pop up campers complete with the cloth walls. I still have the homemade dresses that my mom made for my sisters and I when we were girls.

What does handmade mean to you?
Handmade means to create something that is uniquely imperfect, yet desirable. It means to have the ability to take a raw material and turn it into something that is useful. It doesn't matter what is created or what raw material is used, it's simple the act of creation.

When did you know you were an artist?
I don't think I've ever thought about being call an "artist". I simple enjoy making doll clothes. I enjoy the look on the faces of the children who dress their dolls up in something they helped create. Most people will look at their creations then look at the creations of others and still not see their ability to create; to be an artist.

How do you get out of creative ruts?
I get out of creative ruts by going to fabric stores. I don't have to buy anything, I just have to see what's available. I also check out the internet. There are plenty of ideas. Sometimes I just get out the pictures of the outfits and remember how much fun it was to make it. Sometimes a simple message on facebook, "Aunt Tammy, I really, really liked............". That will fix any rut.

Describe my work space.
Right now, I work in the middle of my living room. Why? Well, I'm an empty nester who's downsized and moved in the past year and will be moving sometime in the future year. The living room seems to be the perfect place right now. Besides, when we downsized, I had to get rid of a lot of things. I kept my sewing fabric and I want it close by.

What did you think you would be when you grew up?
I haven't grown up yet! I'm still dressing dolls!

What do you do for your day job?
Before I moved, I worked as a Teaching Assistant (Teacher's Aide, PCA) in a primary learning support classroom. I am now a substitute Teaching Assistant at a near by school district. I absolutely love the primary grades, Pre-K through 3rd grade. I'm often asked why I didn't become a teacher. The answer is easy. A Teaching Assistant helps the Teacher become the best that she can be by implementing strategies that allow students to shine without having to do all the paperwork involved in teaching. The Teacher shines, the student shines, and since I'm a helper, I shine.

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Tell us a little about yourself?
My profile on Etsy sums it up, lol. I’m married to the perfect man because he is the one God sent to me. I’m blessed with 4 kids, the youngest in diapers and the oldest behind the wheel. I started sewing and crafting as a child. I fell in love with vintage and design as a teenager. I used to wake up early on Saturday mornings to watch Style with Elsa Klensch and stay up late to watch classic movies.

Where does your inspiration come from?
Vintage! I Love many so many era’s.

Who or what has been most influential in your craft?
My grandmother and my love for vintage. Many of my childhood memories of my grandmother are of her sewing. She had a 1950’s Singer with a blond wood cabinet, before my grandfather passed he gave it to me.

How would you describe your creative process?
I design it first in my mind. Sometimes I have to jump out of bed and sketch something that comes to mind. After drafting my pattern I then treasure hunt for the most perfect fabric. I have many designs I haven’t made yet because I haven’t found the perfect fabric. Once I have a picture of what it should look like nothing else will do.

How do you get out of your creative ruts?
Sometimes I will watch gorgeous classic movies that take place in historical era’s, there are so many lovely details to inspire.

What does handmade mean to you?
Something made from the heart.

Apart from creating, what do you do?
Spend precious time with my family. Saturday is a good day for all of us but my oldest who doesn’t tap (but secretly thinks it’s cool) to put on our tap shoes. Gardening is fun too while my youngest finds ways to get muddy.

What celebrity would you most like to wear your items?
Shirley Temple, but she’s not a size 4t anymore!

If you had to use only one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
It’s just not possible. :)

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