When did you become interested in quilting/sewing?
I was taught to sew by one of my grandmas when I was 9. I loved sewing at an early age, so it was just the matter to get the knowhow. But the talent and love for sewing I inherited from my other grandma. Of course I sewed my own clothes; I also knit, crochet and embroider. 
How did it evolve to the artwork you are doing now?
I love all crafts but sewing was always my biggest love. And I mean sewing by machine. I like to embellish my works with beads or embroidery but it is just an addition, the main fun is done by machine. And I was trying to make art quilts not even knowing they are quilts.

Where do your ideas come from? Care you share your creative process?
Nature (as seen in plants and their fruit), culture (art and history but also material culture) and emotions (personal and social). Some years ago I "discovered" that kitchen and food related themes cover everything. Since then I stayed focused on those topics with small excursions into the woods (my trees) and medieval art. I love to discover connections and relations between everyday small things and big ideas.

My creative process isn't a secret - I have a blog where I share it and it turned out that it depends on many factors. Sometimes I just like the color combination of some veggies and I want to translate it into fabric. Sometimes there's an idea, the mood and I have to find the elements to carry it into my art. But one thing is constant (and it always surprises my viewers) - I don't start with drawing. I can't draw. I can sketch some idea, a plan but to execute it I have to go through tons of pictures and drawings of others to choose the most interesting for my elements. And then I pull up my fabrics and they tell me what to do next!

What is your favorite item? Tell us why?
As of today my piece "They see" (image below) made in 2009. Why? I don't really know - it was very nice to sew but it is even more interesting to hear what the viewers see in it. It turned out that this piece is very meaningful and evokes so many interesting associations that it is hard to put your eyes off of it.

How did you find Etsy, and what made you decide to start selling your work?
I always wanted to sell my works. But I know it is difficult to sell fiber art online. On the screen it looks just like a colorful picture, you can't see the main part of textile - softness, texture, warmth. So when I discovered Etsy (through the fellow artists) I decided to give it a try. What I like the best in it, it is that's rather easy. I'm not a computer geek but it is easy even for me :) I can change the picture or the description of a piece to make it viewer friendly.

What challenges have you found in your work/business?
The hardest part is marketing. I'm rather shy person and I don't like to talk about my art. I can answer questions if the arise or if someone is interested in something. But I can't stand and say "people, come here, what a beautiful work I do". All the SEO matters are a real pain for me.

Do you do this fulltime? If not please tell us about your “day” job.
Yes, I'm full time artist, although now I'm full time etsian :-)

What handmade possession do you most cherish?
Textiles from my grandmas - kitchen towels, doilies, tablecloth.

If you had to use only one word to describe yourself, what would it be?

Find Me:
Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/BozenaWojtaszek
Blog: http://textilecuisine.blogspot.com/
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bozenawojtaszek
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  1. It'a wonderful (if I say so myself), thank you Lily from the bottom of my heart.

  2. Wonderful artist and so talented. Great work.

  3. great interview
    Thank you for sharing
    Love your work
    and "they see" is amazing !

  4. Such great talent ~ absolutely beautiful!

  5. I admire Bożena`s artworks, she is quilt mistress for me!

  6. Great interview, I enjoyed reading it a lot. :) Awesome work! :)

  7. I'm always amazed at the artists of the world. I'm a quilter - but I can't do this! xo

  8. One fantastic interview on one fantastic quilter!
    Lovely read to inspire us all :D
