What to do about renewing?

in , , by MyHobbyShop, 8:00 AM
To Renew or Not To Renew? That is the million dollar question!

Monster Question by boandfriends

While I am no expert I have run a few experiments on my shop. I will share them with you and you decide what’s best for you!

Renewing Tool:

Last month I decided to give Uncle Gravy's Renewing Agent a try. I used my 10 day trial period in several different ways. First I set my items to renew every 2 hours. I did this for the first 5 days. Then I set my items to renew after 600 views. I did this for the remaining 5 days. In the month of April I renewed a total of 105 times and listed 14 new items. With all this I made one sale. The one sale was only enough to cover 40% of my Etsy bill.

Looking at Craftopolis, I received 10,560 item page views and 41 new shop hearts. Plus I was on Etsy’s front page twice – as an alternative, but I’ll take it! So after taking a look at these numbers, was it worth it? Nope, not to me. I did better with page views and shop hearts in February when I simply listed new items and only renewed 7 expired items.

Best Time to Renew:

Wait by michelemaule

I decided to do another experiment in May. This time I am going to renew smartly. What does that mean? I am only going to renew as items expired. Now the key is finding out how to make the most of renewing. First is to figure out when your shop receives the most access. I found a great blog that explains how to do this. After looking at my Google Analytics I determined that my shop received the most views at 1pm, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm.

Now I have to figure out how to renew during these times. I have a day job and can’t always be on Etsy. This is where Statsy comes in handy with their FREE automatic renewing tool. I schedule my items to renew the day before they are going to expired and specified one of the times above. I’ve also chose not to renew on the weekends. For me this is when I get the opportunity to take pictures and post new items.

I will have to wait until June to determine if this is what works for my shop.

Have you tried any renewing experiments? Does renewing work for you?

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  1. That is good to know! I just renew as items expire because I can't afford to renew before then. But I try to renew items at my best times, too. Or I spread them out throughout the day when I can.

  2. Sounds like you really researched this! Frankly, I just renew when I think of it or when something expires. ;) I'm not nearly as business-focused as you! :)

    Good luck!

  3. Great post. I need to do some research and improve my renewal routine as well.
