A Husbands Wedding Vows

in , by MyHobbyShop, 1:35 PM
My cousin is extremely talented and she write poetry. She is praying for the opportunity to be able to publish her book of poetry.

A Husbands Wedding Vows

I look in the skies every night,
watching the stars in Heaven shine bright.
Each star represents the love of my life.
The depths of love, I have for my wife.
This love I have is an infinite amount,
love with no boundaries, unable to count.
To love and to cherish, to honor and obey.
In my heart you will live, my love will never fade.
God saw my life, my empty vessel, my heart withdrew.
Therefore he kissed my ribs, and with my heart, he sent me right to you.
You are what I pray for, yes you have blessed my life,
God knew exactly what he was doing when he made you my wife.
As we continue to pray together,
so that in Christ we can stay together.
We will Thank God for our union.
And know I will love you until the day I die,
because until you my life had never began.
My love is forever yours,
so for you scream Thank you Lord!

Sherritta Lenice Woods
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