SpareBedroomStudio @ Etsy

in , by MyHobbyShop, 10:30 PM
Since joining some Etsy Teams I have meet some very talented people. It is always wonderful to see people put these talents to work.

Below is a brief interview of my friend Caitlin who makes and sells her handmade mobiles and confetti on Etsy. Her shop is called SpareBedroomStudio.

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

My name is Caitlin. I am 27 years old and exactly where I'd like to be at this point in my life. I share my small apartment with an absolute sweetheart of a husband (my honey and best friend), a fluffy bunny named Truffles and a little blue Japanese fighting fish. I've worked MANY jobs in the past (usually 2 or 3 part-time jobs at once) and consider myself to be all the better for it. I've done everything from working in theater as a stagehand to some big shots, trying my hand at theatrical design (lighting, sound, etc.), done a little acting, worked in public libraries for 8 years, spent 3 years as a special ed paraprofessional in a middle school, did a painful 6 month run as an administrative assistant to the treasurer of a major bank, spent a year and half prancing around Disney World in a big, furry costume as a character and the list goes on and on. Now I am proud to say that I have the privilege of working from home in my spare bedroom studio (hence the shop name) creating to my heart's content and selling those creations online and in local boutiques.

When did you first discover your creative talents?

I can't actually think back that far. As long as I can remember I've been creating, drawing, painting, sculpting, knitting, crocheting, embroidering, etc. I've always loved ALL of it! My mother certainly helped by buying me endless craft books and kits when I was a kid and always helped me set up crafty things to do. She always says that when I was little I was constantly nagging her to do projects with me. I even started a Craft Club when I was about 10 and had my friends over once a month to have snacks and do a designated project. They paid dues of about 50 cents and my mother and I would take that to the store to buy supplies for the next month's craft. It was a lot of fun and lasted about 2 years until I moved to a different town.

What made you decide to open your very own etsy business?

I had actually never heard of Etsy until I met my friend Heather of MySelvagedLife. We were co-workers at a public library and when we weren't wasting time being silly or actually doing our job, she spent EVERY spare moment (when the boss wasn't watching) on Etsy. Over time I became enthralled with what she was doing and couldn't take it anymore... I had to open my own shop!! I love crafty things and creating in general and always have, so I figured… why not?

Describe your style in 5 or 6 words?

Airy, whimsical, fun, unique, funky, sweet

Describe what you struggle with most.

No question about it! I struggle with photos the most for sure! I can create new items until the cows come home and be happy, but when it comes time to take pictures...I want to run away screaming. One day I'll come up with that perfect photo trick and all will be well and good... a girl can dream can't she?

Do youhave any advice for those who are just starting out?

Join teams and make Etsy friends!!! It is SO helpful to have a positive support group of people who know what you're going through and can help you through it in a loving way. Teams are definitely worth the time and effort put in! Plus they are loads of fun!

What are you links? Shop, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, etc

Etsy shop:

Man With The Golden Voice

in , by MyHobbyShop, 7:10 PM
Matthew 5:42 says, Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.

An awesome story of a very talented man who fell on bad times and landed on the streets of Columbus, Ohio. A video posted by the Columbus Dispatch two day ago has already gotten over 6 million hits. When you see him you'll never guess what comes out of his mouth.

This morning his appearance on the CBS The Early Show was absolutely inspirational. He talks about his faith in God and never giving up hope.

Such a heart warming story is a wonderful way to jumpstart the new year!!